శ్రీ కనకమహాలక్మీ అమ్మువారికి పంచామృుత అభిషేకం ప్రత్యక్ష ప్రసారం
Laying of Foundation Stone/Dedication to the Nation of Various Projects at AU Grounds, Visakhapatnam
Laying of Foundation Stone/Dedication to the Nation of Various Projects at AU Grounds, Visakhapatnam
15112022 Burujupeta Ambalam Puja
15112022 Ayyapaswami Ambalampuja
Hon’ble CM of AP will be Inaugurating Sea Harrier Museum at Beach Road, Visakhapatnam on 11-05-2023
Hon’ble CM of AP will be Inaugurating Sea Harrier Museum at Beach Road, Visakhapatnam on…
Chalasani SrinivasaRao Fires on State and Central Govt
15112022 Ambalam puja at Burujupeta
విరుమామ తగ్గేదేలే లేడిస్ పిక్నిక్
Bandaru Satyanarayana in the name of chief minister’s wife, the witness of a lakh crore scam
Bandaru Satyanarayana in the name of chief minister’s wife, the witness of a lakh crore…
Live Navyday Celebrations – 2022